Thursday, September 27, 2012

S.P.Q.ORC - Pax Bochemannica

Hi, Here's some information about the upcoming fantasy skirmish game called S.P.Q.ORC - Pax Bochemannica! I haven't managed to find more information or pictures as the manufacturer's website is under construction but for those interested here's a link to the  Dampf's Modelling Blog from which I quoted the following information and some of the pictures but if interested in this game please visit this blog as it has several posts dedicated to the miniatures of the game.

"This morning the first six miniatures arrived in the post from Dave Toone. The new figures are for the soon to be released game S.P.Q.ORC - Pax Brochemannica by Maveryc which is currently being playtested.I have be conscripted to model some themed terrain for the official game release which is planned for early 2013. The game will be very familiar to Flintloque/Slaughterloo gamers coming from Mac Coxhead and pitting some Halflings against Norman/Roman Orcs. Obviously there is more to the background than this, but for now a quick update is all I have time for."


Tony said...

More info. due soon. I will post details on my Blog once I have the OK. At this moment Rob Alderman has the most comprehensive information on his You Tube links, see;



Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks Tony, I forget those videos!
