Thursday, September 20, 2012

Corpse Hammer, 32mm skirmish game

Hi, I just seen this new science fiction style skirmish game: Announcing an exciting new 32mm game from Red Knight Entertainment. Corpse Hammer is a Dark Science Fiction/Fantasy miniature game set in a world laden with arcane energies. On one side you have the supernaturally gifted Nephalim Knights defending the immortal populace from the cybernetic hordes of unliving known as the Necrovanum.Today for preview we have the first unit of 5 that will be shown in the next couple weeks.These are the Corpse Hammers for House Remegoth, one of the Nephalim Knight Houses. Units are named after their weapons, hence this unit's name.Using the legendary Corpse Hammer cannon as well as the Houses' own unique Crucigoth Short Sword, these Nephalim Knights are reapers of the damned on the black planet of Sephraxis.

Here's more information about the owner and designer "I am David Rogers, starting a new 32mm miniature game. I have currently used every last penny I have to get 29 miniatures printed for my game. I put a strong focus on dynamic one piece miniatures whenever possible. I will be showing all 5 units that comprise these 29 minis over the next couple weeks. I produce all of my own work from website, graphics, writing, creating, 3d sculpting for printing, logos art etc. I can produce miniatures at a fast pace and hope to be doing so in the future.I hope to Kickstart the game in early October and with your help, cement a new game to our industries wonderful lineup. The miniatures will be sitting at the mold maker ready to go when the Kickstart begins. This will be a simple Kickstart with no stretch goals as to allow for quick product delivery within a few months after all 29 molds have been made and the miniatures produced. I am just one person doing this and I want to keep it that way concerning all creative work and sculpting for the company. The higher the Kickstart goes, the more minis will be produced in the future. I currently have 47 new minis waiting to go to the 3d printer.There have been some rather "big" Kickstarts lately so I hope that as a relative unknown there is room for me as well. If you can get behind someone as small as myself I would greatly appreciate. I hope to reach my goal of 40k within a few weeks. I really don't need 40k but there is just something magic about that number. Corpse Hammer 40,000... dollar, Kickstart." 

Check out the website, you can find out more about me, RKE and all about Corpse Hammer.

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