Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mantic Games: New Corporation Miniatures!

Hi, just seen this news of Mantic Games: "Released in September, these great sci-fi figures are now available to pre-order and as is tradition at Mantic, we launch our pre-orders with amazing value for money army deals that allow you to pick up loads of cool new miniatures for use in your sci-fi game of choice, each themed around a different style of attack. Protocol: Strike army deal is built around a balance force of Strike, Assault and Suppression teams whilst the Protocol: Assault Army Deal and Protocol: Suppress Army Deal are the deals for you if you want an army equipped for Close Combat or simply want more devastating firepower - of course there's nothing stopping you picking up both and having a truly massive force, with free July shipping and free sci-fi gaming rules of course" Well he looks awesome, almost terminator style!

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