Sunday, September 6, 2009

WWII Armoured Russian train (15mm)

This piece was my first attempt to make an armoured train for WWII. During the beginning of WWII, Polish armoured trains were used extensively and succesfully to disrupt the german lines. As an observer mentionned "Poland had only few armoured trains, but their officers and soldiers were fighting well. Again and again they were emerging from a cover in thick forests, disturbing German lines"

This train was built to represent a Polish or Russian train but isn't historical correct! The entire train measures 55 cm. It exists out of 4 wagons and a locomotive. In order: the locomotive, machinegunwagon, supplywagon, cannonwagon and a wagon to transport heavy equipment such as tanks, trucks, airplaneparts, etc...

Here you can see the front of the train with the armoured locomotive, this locomotive was build with only cartonboard and pieces of junk I found.

On this picture you can see a part of the locomotive and the machinegunwagon. This piece was also made of cartonboard just like the entire train.

On this picture you can see my favorite part, the cannonwagon and supplywagon. The turret was made of small round lid and the barrel of an old and cheap artillerypiece.

Here you can see the train in all it's glory, well yeah glory? This was just a test.

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