Sunday, October 18, 2015

Karwansaray Publishing: Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy Rise of the Condottieri‏ Pre-Order

Karwansaray Publishing: We just sent the latest issue of WS&S off to the printer! The theme of this issue is "Rise of the Condottieri". In particular, this edition will be looking at the wars between the various Italian city-states during the Renaissance. These include the slightly earlier exploits of the English mercenary John Hawkwood, but also more traditional conflicts of the Italian Wars, such as the Battle of Fornovo and a 1512 refight of Ravenna. Of course, there's also an article concerning the beautiful cover diorama by Sascha Herm and a guide to period figures by the editor.

For those not interested in Renaissance Italy, there are plenty of great non-theme articles as well. Perhaps most importantly, this issue contains the results of our Great Wargaming Survey, with lots of analysis (both graphical and otherwise). Besides the survey, other articles include a bitesize version of the Battle of Arsuf, a series of scenarios concerning the somewhat infamous Marshal Grouchy (before he messed up), A 'what-if' for the Abyssinian War (suppose the English had gotten involved) and a guide to painting 15mm ancient Gauls. As always, you can get a complete rundown of this issue's contents on our website.

Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy 81 is definitely another issue you won't want to miss; it will be sent out to subscribers on the 26th of October. There's also still time to pre-order your copy of this issue for only €3.95 (instead of €4.95) plus P&P and receive it at the same time as regular subscribers. Or, why not subscribe yourself to get the very best deal and receive all our new issues automatically.

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