Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sally 4th: New 28mm Spectators or Angry Mob Miniatures Released

Sally 4th: New this week from Sally 4th, The Sally 4th Crowd. These miniatures are designed to provide a crowd for games such as Bloodbowl, Elfball, Dreadball, Jousting, Tournaments, Archery Contests, Public Executions, Witch Trials of any where else where you need a mass of onlookers, bystanders or spectators. The standing figures could also be used for an angry mob and the sitting figures for patrons in an Inn or Tavern. All figures cast from lead free pewter with separate heads for maximum variety.

  • SFM001 The Crowd, Seated - 6 seated miniatures £8.50
  • SFM002 The Crowd, Standing - 6 standing miniatures £8.50
  • SFM003 The Crowd - 6 Seated Miniatures, 6 Standing Miniatures plus bonus casting of 2 seated children £17.00 

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