Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Menhir Games: Ancient World Fantasy Champions Kickstarter Two Launched

Menhir Games: Menhir Games launched a Kickstarter campaign "Champions from around the ancient world, set 2" which will serve to finance an expansion set for the previous (and first) campaign that succesfully produced a set of 7 fantasy unique champions from around the world, meaning that their looks, armor and weapons are based on ancient (most of them arround 9th-13th centuries) cultures/kingdoms/empires of real history. This campaign end date is april 7. You can visit the previous campaign and see the unlocked renders, prints and final product here.

The campaign will aim to make from 3 to 8 new models, making the set of champions consist in total of 10 to 15 models (including the 7 previous ones). The first 3 + 1 stretch goal renders are: Sullkani faction Elf champion / Campeón Elfo de la faccion Sullkani, Hassim faction Dwarf Champiom / Campeón Enano de la faccion Hassim, Inuit faction Orc Champion / Campeón Orco de la faccion Inuit. And the Dokkaebi faction Goblin character / Personaje Goblin de la faccion Dokkaebi.

The next 4 miniatures stretch goals are: Yomi faction Oni champion / Campeón Oni de la facción Yomi, Ekal´ki faction Human champion / Campeón Humano de la facción Ekal´ki, Silleno faction Faun champion / Campeón Fauno de la facción Silleno. And the last one, a mounted character (the first mounted champion); Shong faction Human mounted champion / Campeon Humano montado de la facción Shong.

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