Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spieleschmiede: Lignum, Lumberjack-Themed Boardgame Funding

Spieleschmiede: A new enthusiast board game enters the Spieleschmiede. The lumberjack-themed game is the first crowdfunding project of publisher Mücke Spiele.

Lignum is the new project at Spieleschmiede.com. This strategic enthusiast board game is for up to four lumberjacks. In eight rounds, players try to grab as many wooden areas as possible, transport wood to their access yards and sell whatever they can to upgrade their company with new equipment like saws, sleds for wood transportation or pastures. The playe, who manages to generate the most money, wins the game. The game is now at Spieleschmiede.com with English material and can be supported here.

Nominated enthusiast game

For the first crowdfunding project of Mücke Spiele, CEO Harald Mücke chose a nominated game from the Spieleautorenwettbewerb (board game designer competition) that is held regularly with the help of Spielmaterial.de, a website for board game prototypes. In these competitions, board game designers have to create a game with certain specific materials. After Lignum was nominated, it was polished with new graphics and further variants like an expert version. Mücke Spiele is looking for supporters to publish the game. Right now, the game is already funded and has still some stretch goals to reach.

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