Saturday, February 28, 2015

Conquest Games: Upcoming Plastic 28mm Dark Age Medieval Archers Preview

Conquest Games: They have been a long time in coming, but hopefully we are now on the home straight. Here are some work in progress shots of our first few Medieval Archers. 

These new 28mm plastic miniatures will be usable as skirmishing troops from the north-west European theatre during the 10th to 12th centuries (and possibly stretch a little further if required). There will be around 28 of these fellows to the box, and all can be armed with either short or medium sized bows or a mixture of both. There will be many heads on the sprues to allow you to represent many different cultures of the period. All of these figures will successfully kit-bash with our existing boxes too. We are hoping for a release in late autumn this year provided the process runs smoothly. More updates as we get them.


The Kiwi said...

Yaaaay! Plastic bowmen for Dark Ages! About time!

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

A bit late, but still very welcome!