Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1st Corps: Trinity Old West Civilians

Just found these three sets of Trinity Old West Civilian Miniatures from 1st Corps

Hangman Set II: Comprises Guard, condemned prisoner and executioner. £4.50 (gallow not included)

Hangmen set I: Comprising executioner and hanged prisoner. £3.00 (gallow not included)

Bordello staff: Comprises Proprieter/barman, 2 ladies of the Bordello. £4.50

More new Trinity Miniatures can be found in these older blogposts: Trinity Civilians one & Trinity Civilians two


The Angry Lurker said...

I need that first one as I have the gallows but no victim!

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

A gallow without convicted criminal isn't sufficient for an old west town. :) You certainly need the set but you can also buy them individually, I think. Cheers

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this! I need the criminal for my new gallows. And another place to buy Western figures too is always great.