Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Agema Miniatures: Painted Plastic Velites

Agema Miniatures: I’ve been trying out different painting techniques lately, and these guys benefited from a few newly learned methods. I’ll be posting a step by step guide on how to build and paint our figures soon, but for now I decided that I wanted some variety in my troop’s look. The Velites were the poorest and / or youngest of the legion, and historians are not sure if the Roman Army was providing uniform clothing at this time. We think that state made armour was being issued to some at this time, but whether regulation clothing was being handed out is unknown. My personal view is, probably unlikely, especially for the skirmishers of the army. So, combining being poor with a likelihood of having to provide their own clothing, I decided to paint the Velites in a range of natural cloth colours. I painted a variety of greens, browns and unbleached linen colours, with the more ‘senior’ Velites (those who had won the honour of wearing a wolf pelt) in a madder red shade (a well known and stable dye more traditionally associated with Roman troops!) For their shields, I went for a leather look – there is no evidence that Roman troops of this time painted their shields, and we know that shield construction (for the legion’s Scutums at least) was of wood, covered in felt and leather. I see no reason to think that the Velite’s shields wouldn’t be of a similar construction, so leather it was going to be. I was pleased with the results – hope you like them too!

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