Monday, February 8, 2010

28mm: rocky outpost

Hi, here's another post with some of my terrain. It's a rocky outpost painted to serve in a jungle or desert area. This an old piece of terrain that I build to be used in several settings from the Sudan to Congo and from Venus to Mars.

This piece already served in a small WW2 skirmish game between German defenders and American airbornetroops.

The rock was the mainline of defense for the german forces fortified with some machineguns, snipers and mortarsquads.

But the mainline was quickly suppressed by the American airbornetroops and their Shermantank support but with a great loss of lives and the tank.

The rules used for the game were easy homemade rules.

The tools used

- Saw
- Stanley-knife
- Hotglue-gun
- Brushes

The materials used

- Pieces of bark
- A block of polystryn
- Sand
- Paints
- Gravel

The construction

1) Take an polystryn block.
2) Cut out the stairs.
3) Saw the bark to the right size.
4) Glue the bark onto the block.
5) Glue a line of stones were you want some small walls.
6) Texture the bare block with sand and PVA.
7) Paint the entire piece in a chosen color.
8) drybrush the entire piece with a lighter variant of the chosen color.


The outcrop with an 28mm figure for scale purposes.

A close-up of the stairs and adjecent rocks.


An overall view of the rocky outcrop.

Another picture of the entire rocky outcrop.

Thanks for reading,


Game Master Rob Adams said...

I have always loved bark being used as rocks and it looks great here!

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...
