Saturday, July 4, 2009

Somalian pirateships (28mm)

With all the news of the Somalian pirates I decided to make some pirateships myself.

My piratefleet consists of

- Mothership
- 3 smaller vessels

further expansions

- Trade vessel
- Supertanker "Sirius"
- ...

planned purchased:

- TAG (The Assault Group): pirates, africans, hostages, SAS, ...

Enough talking here are some photos

Some small pirate vessels and the motherships near the coastline. All the ships were made of cartonboard and bits of plastic, first I made a frame of cartonboard as the hull and after that I added the decks and cabins.

The entire Somalian piratefleet near the Somalian coast. The Somalian coastline was created with some of my d-day boards and some jungleterrain.

Stay tuned, more will follow soon...

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