Friday, October 21, 2022

Dave Taylor: The Tremendous Tome of Epic Dungeons Kickstarter Preview

Dave Taylor: Over the past decade or so, many roleplayers have decided to immerse themselves in the worlds they create by using 3D scenery and miniatures to give everyone a clear idea of the areas they’re adventuring through and the dangers they face. There are a lot of wonderful, creative people out there building EPIC tables with commercially available products, 3D printed pieces, and hand crafted elements! The Tremendous Tome of Epic Dungeons, written by tabletop gaming veterans Jeff Hall and Dave Taylor, will be a must have for gamers who want to be inspired by dozens of incredibly immersive tabletop locations.

From deep caverns, to soaring castles, from the Ice Wilds to scorching sands, these builds will cover the length and breadth of many fan favorite fantasy environments and provide countless adventure ideas and story hooks. On October 25th , we’ll be launching a Kickstarter to fund the creation and printing of The Tremendous Tome. We’re keeping things as straightforward as we can, so we’ll be launching with four Pledge Levels. Check the pre-launch Kickstarter here

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