Sunday, March 21, 2021

Studio Miniatures: New 1st Afghan War and Sikh Wars Miniatures!

Studio Miniatures: As these arrived early from our casters we thought you might not want to wait until the end of the month for these. We have six new packs for our 1st Afghan War range and four new packs for our Sikh Wars range this week!

1st Afghan War - British

  • AWB002 - Infantry Officers II
  • AWB005 - Infantry Command in Bell Top Shako & Coatee
  • AWB006 - Infantry Marching in Bell Top Shako & Coatee (Centre Company)
  • AWB007 - Infantry Marching in Bell Top Shako & Coatee (Flank Company)
  • AWB020 - Infantry Marching in Covered Bell Top Shako & Coatee (Centre Company)
  • AWB021 - Infantry Marching in Covered Bell Top Shako & Coatee (Flank Company)

We will be following up these releases with lancers and artillery crews next month.

Sikh Wars - Sikhs

  • SWS027 - Lancer Command
  • SWS028 - Lancers
  • SWH005 - Lancer/Dragoon Horses Galloping
  • SWH006 - Lancer/Dragoon Horses Walking

We will be following up these with dragoons (both mounted and dismounted) next month. Miniatures are 28mm and supplied unpainted. Miniatures sculpted by Paul Hicks and Nick Collier, horses by eBob.

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