Monday, April 27, 2020

Pigeon Guard Games: Pigeon Guard Games Competition Announcement!

Pigeon Guard Games: "Waiting in the Sky" is set in an alternate 1934, Aliens from an asteroid, a remnant of the Planet Theia, (which had collided with earth 4.5 billion years ago forming the moon) is floating through the solar system. They decide to take earth as their own.......Dogfighting in the skies above earth begins...very one sided at first, until a Rocketship is brought down, its technologies largely intact are back engineered and shared throughout the world....... the fight back begins.

The artwork here represents one of the Alien (Seleni) Rocketship Bombers. (1/200 scale) We haven't named it yet and thought we'd let you guys do that for prizes for winning, but you'll have the honour of knowing that you named, perhaps one of the greatest looking rocketship designs mankind has ever seen!!!! Come on Earthlings, get your your thinking caps on. (please leave your suggestion in the comments and it only gets entered with a like) Check the Facebook page to enter!

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