Monday, July 13, 2015

Reaper Miniatures: Plastic Bones Three Kickstarter - $1,000,000 Victory! Mount your Dragons!

Reaper Miniatures: Reaper Miniatures Bones 3 is a project to continue the expansion of Reaper's Bones line of high-quality plastic gaming miniatures. 

Now we’re getting started on the Lycanthropes II pack, with the fantastic wereboar, werewolf, and weregorilla! Once we reach this goal, every Core Set will automatically include these 3 models! But let’s look past that, and see what we’re working on next! At $1,100,000 we’re going to make these fantastic Undying Lords by Bob Ridolfi available as an Optional Reward for only $8! Set includes the Undying Lord of Death, the Undying Minotaur, Undying Lizardfolk, and three Undying Heroes, the Elf Archer, Dwarf Fighter, and Halfling Rogue! Check the campaign here.

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