Sunday, July 12, 2015

4Ground: New Fantasy Ruins of Daldorr Released

4Ground has released these new fantasy ruins ideal for Frostgrave adventures!

Ice blown and lofty ‘Felland’, of all the state territories within the ‘Teuden League’, is the most mountainous and to the other ‘Leaguen Folk’ it is also considered the most uncivil. With a domain that stretches from the river port of ‘Langaholm’, just below the ‘Ruga Falls’, to beyond the lofty town of ‘Fellburg’ perched high in the ‘Karpoth Mountains’, this is a land of extremes of climate and culture. But it is more because of the cursed ruins of ‘Daldorr’, than the insular and suspicious nature of the local folk, that many from outside this realm know it as ‘Bleak Felland’!

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