Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Northstar Miniatures: Fantasy Frostgrave Crowdfunding Campaign to Hit Fifth Spend Goal!

Northstar Miniatures: I think we'll be hitting Spend Goal 5 this evening in the Frostgrave Nickstarter. More free stuff, more new models. Check the ongoing campaign here.

Also found this on the creatures of Frostgrave: What kind of non-player monsters can we expect in the setting? I want to check my unpainted lead for some that might be useful for the game.

  • 6 types of undead (skeletons, zombies, ghouls etc.).
  • 9 types of animal, including the fabled 'white gorillas' and the previously shown Ice Toad. Generally, think cold climes.
  • 3 types each of construct (small, medium, large) and demon (imp, minor, major). If you really want to cause chaos, give demons spells!
  • 4 miscellaneous creatures (including my favourite - Snow Trolls).

Essentially, anything you have in your lead pile can probably find a home, even if there is no specific category for it. Even if there are no quick 'counts-as' options, you should be able to use one of the existing monsters as a starting point. As the wandering monsters are a threat to all players, it's easy enough to build something from scratch without worrying too much about balance (between players, if not within the scenario!) - unless you create a super-duper Undead monster for a game in which your opponent has "Control Undead", you're not going to go too far wrong. Oh, and then there's Thaw of the Lich Lord...

Snow troll fighting off zombies in the wilderness surrounding the Frozen City - Wargame News and Terrain Collection

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