Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gamezone Miniatures: HeroQuest 25th Anniversary Edition Kickstarter

Gamezone Miniatures: A new edition of the memorable Heroquest board game. Welcome back to the adventure. Do you want to become a legend? We don't discover anything if we say that there was a 'before' and an 'after' in our lives after meeting HeroQuest. I have read it put in many ways, but all of them have the sameroots of dreaming, thanksgiving and nostalgia in common.

Months ago, a partner of mine shared a link which led to a petition. It was, at least, a wholehearted petition, but hiding an urge that, surprisingly enough, many of us shared without knowing: we would like to see HeroQuest as a living product once again. A conmemorative edition was demanded for to celebrate its 25th anniversary. When I talked about it with a friend, he made me understand that the petition was really open, not focused to a single company. It was a petition made mainly to two big fishes, but open to any third party.

It was practically as if someone had put up a challenge. And what we did at GameZone was to accept it. After that came weeks of studying the legal aspects of the matter and getting in touch with people who could allow us to face this project. We quickly knew that no big fish was going to undertake this endeavour. It was complicated, costly and there was not enough time. Big companies have to plan their strategies with plenty of time, and none of them had announced anything nor planned to. The time left to get it done was simply too little. But not for a small fish.

We could react in time and focus all our efforts in the development of this conmemorative edition. It was now or never. Or we got to the task right away, or no one would. And there would be no HeroQuest 25th Anniversary Edition. The time lapse we have to achieve our goal is small, but enough for us. With the fundings raised thanks to this crowdfunding initiative we will be able to end the creative stage and prototypes, so we can start producing the actual components by early 2014. We have the knowledge and the tools, not the funds. The money we now ask for. With the right funding this HeroQuest 25th Anniversary Edition will see the light just in time for next year Christmas period, fulfilling the desires of countless fans, among which we are included.

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