Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tsuba Miniatures: Freikorps Werdenfels

Hi, I just found this interesting new wave of releases from Tsuba Miniatures and thought some of you might be interested in these excellent Paul Hicks sculpts for either pulp or historical correct battles. "The RJW will stay our main line (with hopefully many more miniatures to come) but it just beat another subject by a heartbeat when I had to decide, which range I wanted to get done over a year ago. A very close second had been the Freikorps Werdenfels."

"The Freikorps Werdenfels: In short (I hope to post some more details over the coming days), these guys were part of the federal troops sent to Munich to fight against the Munich Soviet or Concil Republic in May 1919.All miniatures sculpted by Paul Hicks with the notable exceptions of the Dachshund by eBob and the MG08, which is used under license from Musketeer Miniatures. All these miniatures have been painted by Andrew Taylor, as Simon is very busy (not least with some Russo-Japanese-War miniatures). This first release features the following five sets:"

"All the above shown sets are priced € 7.50 each and are eligible as part of a five-set-deal for € 35.- (you can also get sets from different ranges as part of the very same deal, i.e. you can mix and match Japanese, Russian and Werdenfels sets in one five-set-deal, if you like)."

Also a warm welcome to Bart Zynda from the asienieboje - wargaming blog and WPS Seb from the WarPaint ... Get it on! blog

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