Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Osprey Publishing: Forgotten Sacrifice

Hi, I just found this interesting new book from Osprey Publishing about a not so known part of World War Two that really helped the Soviet Union to recover after the massive German invasion and in the end helped with the destruction of the Third Reich. Without these much needed supplies the Red Army would have coped with serious lack of basic equipment such as clothing especially just after the sudden invasion and the partial collapse of the Red Army.

"The story begins in October 1939, when Germany and the Soviet Union began diplomatic maneuvering. The action accelerates with Winston Churchill’s decision in 1941 to provide supplies to Soviet forces battling the German invasion and for five long years, thousands of men and women fought ferociously in the coldest corner of hell on earth. Some fought for survival, some struggled to help others survive, and some sought to crush their enemies. The Arctic Convoys were war without mercy. If man-made death didn’t get you, the Arctic’s weapons of ice and cold would. These natural weapons killed regardless of whose side you were on or how just your cause. No one escaped unscathed. Author Mike Walling captures the convoy’s bitter essence and reveals a timeless tale of determination, heroism, sacrifice, and the strength of the human spirit."

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