Monday, October 15, 2012

Dr Wilett's Workshop: New Medieval house

Hi, I just stumbled on this news from Dr Wilett's Workshop of which I have previously done a review. "I’ve been mainly working on my next release. It will be a medieval type house with a market theme in 25-30mm scale. It will be my biggest kit and the most detailed so it’s taking time. On the picture you can see the back of the building as the front is very much a work in progress. I’m aiming to have it finished by the end of the month so finger crossed I don’t encounter any problems."

If somebody is interested in the review I did a while ago of the smaller fantasy dwelling called the Nook here's the link: Dr Wilett's Workshop, the Nook review.


Paul´s Bods said...

He´s very skilled..not only do his pieces look excellent, but the prices, compared with others are very reasonable.

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Indeed he is and the prices are excellent!
