Monday, October 29, 2012

Comfy Games Chair: Goes Cthulthu New Sculpt

Hi, I just found this new sculpt for the Comfy Games Chair Kickstarter for their Dominion of the Gods skirmish game: "As some of you may have seen, one of you has pledged a $5000 mark to help us create a new box set. The contributor has chosen to create a QuickStart box set based off of the works of H.P. Lovecraft. We are replacing the previous Lovecraft box set with this one and moving this one up so that you have an opportunity to pledge for this great box set!"

I quite like that you can see the evolution of the miniature form the actual design to the finished sculpt!


Unknown said...

That was a smart way to sculpt this model, the use of the metal bearings for eye things is just great!

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

It is those sculptors are really creative on finding new ways to create cool miniatures!