Monday, August 1, 2011

Hidden Gems: Primeval Abyssian

Hi, the start of a new month means a new featured company on the blog! This time I'm featuring Primeval Abyssian currently a one-man project but in the end made to buy widely distributed! Primeval Abyssian will be game which involves a huge number of non humanoid alien factions which will fight each other across space! The game will also be accompagnied by its own rule book!

The basic concept of the rules
  • The rules for this game are aimed to be as simplistic as possible - while still giving players a lot of choice and allowing for a diversity of tactics and strategies.
  • Commanders play a prominent role in the games - and your Commander becomes the "core" of your force. Commanders have a variety of specialised rules, including once-per-game special-moves, powerful special weapons and the ability to build barricades.
  • There are a selection of "optional rules", and these are related to the different types of planets you may want to play on - and include a variety of extra-dimensional weather and planetary effects which add elements of danger to games. Terrain is VERY important in the game. You will not want to be too close to the enemy if you are in the open, and the game encourages you to use cover.
  • This will not be a game for everyone - of course when it comes to writing rules the only thing you can really do is write the kind of game-system you want yourself and hope others will appreciate it too.

Hi, here are some of the factions of the game more of these short background stories can be found on the Primeval Abyssian blog!
  • Tolathians; Wise, old, elemental race. Weapons based on lightning, long-range communication based on controlled cloud patterns. Cold, clinical and tough. Their biggest weakness is heat, they feed from the cold-electricity on their planets storms. Their cities resemble giant stone pillars. The inside of their cities is full of clouds, electrical energy - hostile environment to outsiders. They are the primary protagonists of the game.
  • Luuran; Highly religious, believe in an all seeing-eye, seek to master telepathic abilities so as to obtain ultimate enlightenment and eventually a group consciousness. Offending their religious disbeliefs is bad, really bad. They have temples and churches all over the dimension. Play on the false-gods/prophet themes alot. They are heavily inspired by Illuminanti imagery and views.
  • Jequerita; The unending swarm type army. Sentient killer-plants that seek to aggressively refoliate everything in their image. They have a variety of sub-species that include mountain sized plants which spit seeds into space, the equivilent of killer tumbleweeds for a "fast attack" style choice and the ability to "grow" new units in war. Visually they have have a primary stalk with large sharp thick vines covered in spikes sprouting out from the sides and a venus-fly-trap type mouth on the top of their bodies.
  • Masters of Unlife; Alien lords from a universe of "undeath", the universes real name is the Necroverse. A kind of anti-life faction. Huge hulking biomechanical drones reach out into dimensions with "life", lead by their ancient masters for ultimate "cleansing". Their weapons are based on Anti-matter. "Sight" is gifted to only the masters themselves.

The actual miniatures!

When I first heard of this game, the miniatures were still in sculpting stage and were actually going to be made in resin. Now, I've heard the news that the miniatures will be made in hard plastic! Such as the Mantic Games Miniatures as Troll Forged Miniatures has actually bought a plastic spin casting machine! I can't say much about the quality of the casting as I haven't seen these miniatures in the flesh, so it would be great if the creators of this game could send me one miniature to judge the quality!

The only factions that's already been made are the Tolathians! They look very good especially the Enhanced ones! But I actually also love the Wisps!

When enemies need to be cleared in mass numbers, The Veteran Wisps otherwise known as Enhanced ones are used. Like Wisps, they can shoot lightning except that the lightning they shoot can bounce off enemies destroying whole squads at a time. Enhanced Ones are equipped with Quake Rifles and Fiberoptic Talons.

Wisps make up the bulk of Tolathian armies. They are tough as nails and can shoot bolts of lightning from their Electron-Talons. They are reliable, heavy-hitting yet slow moving.

There's also another Tolathian creature called the Mammatus, so if your interested visit the following website!


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