Saturday, April 23, 2011

Some basing

Hi, I've just managed to base my miniatures for my ongoing "Chaos on the Red Planet" project! The miniatures are all metal and are made by Kallistra, Gamesworkshop (I bought them secondhand!) and some others. The miniatures are based on 25mm slotta bases which are textured using my own methode of filler followed by some PVA and fine sand (texturing isn't done yet)

Here's a close up of the bunch of marauders and renegade officers.

Here's a view of the entire bunch with the inclusion of an armoured battle suit which is based on a cavalry base.

Close up of the battle drone and a sole painted figure!



CarloAntonio said...

I think that when they are completed, they will be beautiful. As always

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks CarloAntonio!