Thursday, March 10, 2011

Colonial houses

Hi, here's finally a new and decent post with some picture of my new terrain for my ongoing VSF-project. This time, two colonial houses which will be used as part of my British colonisation plans of Mbuij Mayi! These buildings were made as generic as possible and with materials which you can find in every household.

The houses some months ago:

The buildings are made out of cartonboard and based on soft hardboard textured with sand and PVA.

The houses some minutes ago:

The first house with a small shed, I really like the vines on the side which were made by attaching clumps of foliage with hotglue. The bases are decorated with the usual mix of flock and aquarium plants.

The front of the second house, the windows were made out of some sort of plastic material (really don't know the name even not in dutch) and were framed with pieces of used matches.

The two houses together, I've tried to imitate some sort of rusty tiled roof. In real the roofs are looking a bit better than in the pictures.

The mission post, will it be able to resist native attacks or will the post be overrun?



Dan said...

They came out really good!

Game Master Rob Adams said...

They look very good. NIce houses for the ZUlus when they take it over - or the Martians.

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Thanks, I really need to finish some miniatures now!

Al said...

Nice looking buildings