Monday, August 10, 2009

Walled samurai house (28mm)

Here are some pictures of my walled samurai house in scale 28mm.

On this picture you can see the interior of the house with a ricepaper screen. The used materials of this project were cartonboard, filler, wood and some sort of cheap ricepaper. The fencing or walls around the house were made of thick cartboard and the tiles were made of straws (very time consuming!!)

Here you can see the entrance to the house, with a vine crawling up the walls. The vine was made of some sort of dried plant I found when my mother was making floral decorations.

On this picture you can see the japanse garden which is my favorite part of this project!
In the left corner you can see a red tree and all over the garden you can see tiles made of slate.
These slates were painted with a cheap hobbypaint (like all my projects) called "gobi" which is a standard grey after that I drybrushed the slates with "tenerife" a light grey.

Here you see the flocking in all its glory, the pattern was simply to made with 2 sort of static grass purchased at a local toyshop (and a german modelshop when I was on vacation for only 1 euro a bag!!). I just made some shapes ith the lighter grass and then I filled the gaps with the darker one.

Here you can see my house with the roof attached, I'm not so pleased with the drybrushing of this roof. But it's good enought for my standards, you can also see some flocking on the roof to look like moss growing on this poor samurai's house.

And at last a total picture of the project!!

ps: the figures on the photos are "heroscape" samurai's which I acquired when I bought the basic playset of the game "heroscape".

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