Saturday, July 25, 2009

Shanty town, bunkers or Waterworld atoll?

Here are some pics of my recently made shantytown, bunkers or atoll? Yes, you can use it for everything! First I made the bunkers for my stalingrad board (15mm) but when I was turning the bunkers around. I saw that thy would also form a nice shanty town (15mm) or small atoll (28mm).

The actual building were made of corrugated cartonboard and ordinary cartonboard from boxes, etc. You just cut strokes of the same size and divide them afterwards in smaller pieces. Then you glue them together and add the corrugated cartonboard dead simple.

Some bunkers to be covered in the rubble of stalingrad, city of Stalin!

This one I can use as an oilsilo or a shelter.

Here you can see an atoll, an atoll is a artificial island made of rubble and other waste where the survivors of the worldflood in "Waterworld" live on. This atoll will be a really nice piece of scifi terrain for my Kallistra scavengers.

"Waterworld" atoll.

The shantytown is usable for most of the modern conflicts (Somalia, Iraq, Africa, etc)

Stay tuned more will follow soon, ...


Benoit said...

Very nice work ! Thanks for sharing !

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

A pleasure! Sorry for the late response