Saturday, July 18, 2009

Indian war fortifications (15mm)

Here are some pictures of an old project that I did because I was fascinated by italeri's indians and colonials.

On this picture you can see one of the fortification. My purpose was to recreate some plaited straw (gevlochten riet) but I failed in that assigment. So I decide to cover the straw up with lots of flock so It looks like a barricade made of branches.

Here you can see the entrance to the hasty fortification, I added also some toothpicks like some sort of palissade. Oh, I forgot to mention the 2 fortifications were based on a piece of polystryn which was sanded and textured.

Here an aerial photo of the first fortification.

Here is a photo of the second fortification this one is nicer then the first one!

On this piece I decided to add some sort bunker made of logs, you can also see the rocks which I really like on the piece. The rocks were created by putting lots of hotglue on the polystryn and after that pourring lots of small stones on the glue.

Aerial photo of the second fortification, here you can see the nice rocks, ...

And as last picture a duo-picture of the 2 fortifications with some pieces of my bought pinetrees (which are based on 1 eurocent pieces)

ps: I never bought the indian and colonial miniatures :(

So stay tuned more will follow, ...

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