Thursday, June 27, 2024

Badger Games: New Have A Nice Day 28mm Dwarves!

Badger Games: Have A Nice Day Releases 28mm Dwarves - Have A Nice Day Miniatures continue to crank out fantastically sculpted miniatures for your roleplay games that harken back to the golden age of roleplay gaming. Hot on the heels of two fantastic releases of pig-faced orcs, HND has released more dwarves than you can shake a stick at for uses as characters, henchmen or NPCs.

All of the character classes are represented with many different fighters, clerics, thieves, rangers and druids. These wonderful and characterful miniatures were sculpted for Have A Nice Day by David Soderquist and he has really captured the Middle Earth flavor we asked him to.

As with Previous Have A Nice Day releases, this is the tip of the iceberg with dwarf beast rangers, barbarians and others to follow. Watch this space for the next set of releases from HND to enhance your dungeon crawl or wilderness romp! In 2024 Expect more Pig-Faced Orcs and some special sets, Goblins, Hobgoblins, monsters and more characters... Have A Nice Day Miniatures are available from Badger Games. Check these new releases and more here

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