Friday, February 18, 2022

Wiley Games: New Fistful of Lead: Horse & Musket 2nd Edition

Wiley Games: Horse & Musket rules are designed to fight skirmishes during the black powder era. This rulebook is extremely versatile because it easily covers many conflicts of the 18th and early 19th century; from Napoleonics to the War of Spanish Succession, and covers the wars in America: French Indian War, American War of Independence, War of 1812 and the American Civil War.

This 2nd edition brings the Horse & Musket genre into line with our Core System. It is a stand-alone game. What else is included in the 2nd edition of Horse & Musket rules? Full Color, 52 pages, Perfect Bound 4 Exclusive New Scenarios. P.S. The Horse & Musket Custom Cards have not changed. Grab these rules now here

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