Thursday, November 19, 2020

Athena Miniatures: 28mm Wars of the Roses Miniatures for Tabletop Wargames Kickstarter!

Athena Miniatures: Athena Miniatures Ltd is aiming to produce a new range of figures for the Wars of the Roses, cast in metal (pewter) in 28mm. The range is complete and encompasses a wide range of mid to late 15th century soldiers. The range has been traditionally sculpted by Drew Day – Williams.

In the basic foot range there are noble command and standard bearers, foot knights (with weapon hands and open hands for poll axes/standards), archers, medium billmen, heavy billmen/pikemen, crossbowmen, handgunners, unit officers and standard bearers and a crewed artillery piece.

In addition to this there are mounted command, mounted knights, (both with weapons in hand and open hand for lances) and hobilars. The master moulds are prepared and we're working on production moulds. By the time the Kickstarter finishes the production moulds should be complete.

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