Saturday, February 9, 2019

Empress Miniatures: New Vietnam Miniature Range Preview

Empress Miniatures: Well as a start to the week we thought that we show the first sculpt of the new Vietnam range. Some of you may have seen a figure that Paul Hicks showed a few days back. This is the same figure but changed due to better information and our usual way of working which is to get it right. Just incase there is any confusion this is the finished figure the other exists no longer. Please also note that this figure is also not a complete signed off figure but part of the development process.

As has previously alluded to this range will be a long road full of lovely things. But we have to start somewhere so we have started with the battle of Hui City 1968 and of course Tet. M113 in 1/50 scale is nearly complete as well. Our intention is to cover troops for the entire war period and lots of different types thus allies such as the Aussies and of course no range would be close to completion without ARVN represented. Plus of course the NVA and Vietcong.

Also worth noting is that this range will have certain elements that dove tail into our French Indo China range and that range will continue to grow alongside this one. This I know because I play the period and want more toys so if any of you are worried that it will get swamped by its American cousin fear not as it will flourish.  Enough talk hope you like this figure as a tempter.

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