Monday, October 29, 2018

Militia Miniatures: The Bad Guys! Modern Insurgents and Rebels Miniatures Kickstarter

Militia Miniatures: The Bad Guys! At least 50 new bad guys for your mercenaries to take on, all with a Hollywood twist! Check the full Kickstarter here

Militia Miniatures was first launched through Kickstarter in 2014, with an initial set of 10 modern mercenary personalities.  139 backers helped us reach our goal and all of the pledges were delivered within 2 months! It's taken a bit longer than we'd hoped but we're now back with a fantastic new sculptor and another 50 sculpts, all suitable for wargaming, roleplaying, or simply collecting and painting!

As with our first Kickstarter, we want to produce miniatures that aren't tied down to a specific conflict, allowing them to be used in all manner of games and systems.  This time our inspiration has come mainly from Hollywood, so we'll leave you to guess which movies we've been watching! For this project, we've had 50 new 28mm sculpts produced by the extremely talented Paolo Fabiani, which are all waiting to go into moulds.  If we can hit and exceed our target then we've got some nice extra goals planned...

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