Saturday, September 9, 2017

BigRedBat: New Larger 10cm Grid Western Desert Mats

BigRedBat: New larger 10cm grid Western Desert mats available. Deep-Cut Studios have manufactured a new gridded mat for me- a larger 6’ x 4’ (1800mm by 1200mm) Western Desert mat with a 10cm grid. Gridded mats are useful for games such as “To the Strongest!” and “Rommel.” I personally use the “Western Desert” for ancient and modern gaming in the Middle East; this grid size is particularly useful with 15mm and smaller minis. N.b. I also sell similar but ungridded mats.

The grids are marked with a thin, unobtrusive black line. The various Western Desert mats and grids can be found here Deep-Cut mats are printed on a thin, light cloth and can be washed, ironed, and folded or rolled away for storage. Hills can be placed on top or even, if shallow, underneath. I regularly export overseas. These mats (along with many other designs) can be found in the BigRedBatShop here

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