Saturday, June 4, 2016

Khurasan Miniatures: Upcoming Pulp Cavemen Previewed

Khurasan Miniatures: Here's something else to have a look at as our store is closed -- these are for our cavemen range. We already have skirmishing adolescents and a spear phalanx of married long-beards, so we've filled the gap with these unmarried adult males. Or as the caster calls them, "charging cave bros!"

There's also a set of these adult males riding wooly rhinos. I'm thinking of making some unmarried females as killer bird riders as well, chucking javelins I guess because this army does not have the bow yet .... Most recently made were a pack of wild apemen who could be either allies or rivals of the cavemen. Seven poses plus a huge alpha male. They have a rather Sasquatchesque vibe to them ....

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