Sunday, April 17, 2016

Perry Miniatures: Plastic American Civil War Charging Union Infantry in Sack Coats Coming Next and Other Plastic Miniature Plans

Perry Miniatures: Almost recovered now from Salute and the night before! It was great to meet up and chat with customers and friends again! Unfortunately we didn't get any shots of games this year but Bill Gaskin's SYW game and Jan Karrman and Michael Leck's Foteviken 1134 stood out as great visual eyecandy from the very small amount we saw.

We had a very good response to the Cape Warriors book and the new plastic box. We also had on show our next plastics, which are..... ACW Union Infantry in sack coats.

We realise they've been sometime coming but now they're here........well, there's a small question of tooling them first...... and making the command frame.... and the box ... and the painting guide etc,etc.
They'll have the same arms as the Confederate box, plus a few additional loading arms for figures skirmishing. As you can see there will be forage caps and broad-brimmed hats ( for the Western theatre) for all the figures in the set. Obviously there's no release date on these yet, it way too early.

Also picked up the following online from a conversation with Michael from Perry Miniatures on upcoming plastic miniatures.

There will be a Hundred Years War plastic mounted knights boxed sets but note that these haven't been started yet but will be in the not too distant future. There might be plastic Pathans as Michael really liked doing them (probably the metal Pathans which were previously previewed - see pictures) but based on the Mahdist sales he wasn't sure how well these would sell. Zulu Wars British Colonial Infantry are being worked on and are coming soon!

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