Friday, December 18, 2015

Khurasan Miniatures: Late Cold War Soviet Motor Riflemen Released

Khurasan Miniatures: We've just released a platoon set of Soviet Motor Riflemen from the 80s -- the set has everything you need for the basic infantry platoon. 

The Soviet Motor Rifle Platoon was made up of three sections of seven men -- one medic (mostly a rifleman, having received only the most basic training in first aid), three riflemen, one rifleman/assistant rocketeer (carrying RPG7 grenades in a pack), one grenadier with RPG7, and one squad machine gunner with an RPK-74. One man could be a designated marksman with a sniper rifle, and that model has been provided separately, as well as the two man platoon command team. Other than the vanilla squaddies-- the three riflemen and the medic -- each model in the infantry platoon pack is a unique pose.

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