Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wargames Foundry: New Casting Room Miniatures Website and Free Postage

Wargames Foundry: To get things started and to test out our new site we are offering free worldwide postage for the rest of 2015! Please note that the free postage offer is only on the new Casting Room website, and not the main Foundry one.

If you would like to see a (random) sample from a particular range of your choice just let us know and we will stick one in your next order for you. Or alternatively you are welcome to send us a self addressed and stamped envelope. We nearly always manage to get orders out the next day. I think that I should begin by saying that this is in fact an offshoot of Wargames Foundry!

Most of you are probably familiar with our massive and somewhat disorganised Wargames Foundry site. We are going to reorganise our main Foundry site in the forseeable future: but it's going to be a long job. So we thought that in the meanwhile we would practice by building this Casting Room Miniatures site up first.

We used to sell a number of the Casting Room ranges on our main website in the past, but have not done so for quite a while. However, they have mostly been available via our eBay shops, in our store and by special order for people who rang us up and asked!

We have a stock of everything you see on this site. Mostly it's Historical ranges, but there is also a good selection of Fantasy models on Casting Room. We have about 4,000 different models currently available, with more waiting to be added.

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