Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Rodrigo Sosa: Fantasy Miniature Kickstarter - 28mm Dwarfs, Undead and Orcs Characters

Rodrigo Sosa: For the initial Kickstarter we are starting with 37 miniatures. Of course we didn’t want to stop there when we are trying to create an entire world of characters, so we also created a fantastic array of stretch goal characters that we hope to unlock with your help.

At the core of the project is the aim to produce the complete set of 37 high quality figures in both lead-free pewter and Hard Plastic (HIPS) -so backers will have the choice of which material they prefer. But further we hope to hit all our stretch goals which will expand the project to a total of 78 individual character models. So with a quick bit of maths it will be seen that we aim to release 41 models as stretch goals. All the miniatures are being sculpted to be suitable for 28mm scale gaming.


Apart from forming whole units with the figures we also see the figures could be used to create variety in units of other figure manufacturers units such as Mantic's 'Kings of War' and of course GW Hobbit & Lord of the Rings as well as other gaming systems and in roleplaying games where individual figures rather than units are used. We like to think of every models as an individual character, and we trying to get that sense of personality across in the sculpts.

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