Friday, July 17, 2015

Rain Studios: TerraTiles: Coasts & Rivers Kickstarter Smashing Stretchgoals!

Rainn Studios: The TerraTiles: Coasts & Rivers Kickstarter campaign is smashing through stretch goals and has only eleven more days to go. 

More than 470 backers have pledged over $50,000 to make this project a reality. We just wanted to take a few minutes to answer some of the questions we have received about the set:

What games can you play with TerraTiles? People are using TerraTiles to play D&D, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, Sails of Glory, Dungeons & Dragons: Attack Wing, Wings of Glory, Battle Tech, Memoir '44, Heavy Gear Blitz and more! We put up a Geek List on Board Game Geek so people can post all of the games they are playing with TerraTiles. The community has already added over 120 games to that list. Check it out!

What size are the tiles? The tiles are 9 inches from point to point. That means the flat sides of the hexagons are 4.5 inches long. That makes it easy to set up some serious gaming space!

Are there plans to put grids on the tiles? There are not any plans to put grids of any kind on the tiles. We did, however, createdigital templates for both hexagonal and isometric squares. There are many companies that can create stencils for you from these files, so you can put the grid of your choice on them if one is needed for your game.

Are there plans to create any more TerraTiles sets? Potentially, yes! If the gaming community is willing to support TerraTiles, then we will be able to create more. Our backers are generating great ideas for new sets they would like to see, including tundras, caverns, and sci-fi moons. By supporting the Coasts & Rivers campaign, we can make new sets happen.

Will there be any more stretch goals? A $55,000 stretch goal has been added. We will commission alternative art for three tiles if we reach that funding goal. TerraTiles: Coasts & Rivers is shaping up to be an amazing set, and it is all thanks to you!

Thank you so much for your interest in TerraTiles: Coasts & Rivers. We are truly grateful to have such tremendous support for this project. We look forward to seeing you for the campaign, and talking with you in the comments section! 

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