Friday, July 31, 2015

Perry Miniatures: Napoleonic British Army 1800-15 - Stovepipe Shako Introduced

Perry Miniatures: Napoleonic British Army 1800-15 - 28mm metal figures designed by Alan Perry. The original 1815 range is now being extended back in time to 1800, when the stovepipe shako was first introduced. 

The codes up to BH 67 have been designed for the Waterloo campaign; however, there are many codes that can be used prior to this particular campaign. These include the Highlanders, Riflemen, Light Infantry, Light Dragoons, Royal Horse Artillery and the named Staff officers. All of these can be used for the Peninsular War and most for the American war of 1812. The extended range will encompass the British troops who served in Egypt, India, South Africa, Denmark, Hanover, Italy, North and South America, the West and East Indies as well as the Peninsula.

Remember the plastic British Infantry (BH 1) and Hussar set (BH 80) covers the 1808-14 period as well as the Waterloo campaign. The plastic British Light Dragoon set (BH 90) covers the whole period.  There will be a separate range for the axillaries who fought alongside the British during this period.

  • BH 68 Infantry command marching 1808-14
  • BH 69 Infantry, centre companies, marching 1808-14
  • BH 70 Ragged Infantry, centre companies, marching 1808-14
  • BH 71 Flank companies marching 1808-14
  • BH 72 Ragged Flank companies marching 1808-14
  • BH 73 Flank companies skirmishing 1808-14
  • BH 74 Light Infantry command marching 1808-14
  • BH 75 Light Infantry marching 1808-14
  • BH 76 Light Infantry skirmishing 1808-14
  • BH 77 Command marching, 1801 ( Egypt)
  • BH 78 Infantry, centre companies, marching 1801-07
  • BH 79 Flank companies marching 1801-07
  • BH 80 Plastic Hussars

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