Monday, August 25, 2014

Zombiesmith: Flytrap's Warfighter: Epoch 15mm Sci-Fi Range Now Available

Zombiesmith: Flytrap's Epoch figures are here! 15mm stompy robot sci-fi goodness!


Kull said...

How do they compare with other 15mm ranges?

Are they on the small side like Rebel Miniatures SF troops or beefier and larger like recent GZG ranges?

I see most have this runny-crouchy positions so that must be taken into account.

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Hello Kull, I have just received this answer from Anton over at Flytrap Factory: "They are scaled to fit with Battlefronts 15mm offerings if that helps. This way they tend to mix well with most other offerings in this scale." I hope this helps a bit!

Kind regards