Saturday, May 10, 2014

Open Fire Figures: New Alien Cnidocyte Spawner Genus Preview

Open Fire Figures: A new Heavy for our upcoming Cnidocytes range. The Spawner Genus carries out various roles on the battlefield. It is a fearsome close combat beast, capable of piercing the thickest armour with is proboscis.

It also carries egg sacs along its sides and is able to spawn Drones at a constant rate. The newly formed drones are delivered via a fleshy opening at the rear of the creature. Spawners are born with in excess of 1000 eggs inside of their sacs. Once these have all matured into drones the Spawner effectively becomes infertile. At this stage in their lives Spawners have been seen to act at biological APCs. Various Genus have been seen entering and exiting Spawners as they move across the battlefield. Injured Cnidocytes have been observed to enter a Spawner only to re-emerge shortly after fully regenerated.

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