Friday, May 9, 2014

Ghost Train Games: Alternative Civil War Kickstarter Launched

Ghost Train Games: “Alternative Civil War is a 28mm scale miniature skirmish wargame set in an alternate background where impossible science collides with ancient magics and weird beings clash with courageous soldiers on the American Civil War battlegrounds.”

This is a skirmish game of metal miniatures of the finest quality cast by the best professionals in the industry. The game ranges from 6 to 16 models per side. The rules are easy but with a deep tactical component, using one or two 20 sided dice to resolve the actions in a single roll. An elegant system of alternating activations will keep both players on the edge, avoiding long waits while your opponent finishes his turn and creating a swift and dynamic battle.

The game incorporates the mechanism of a Tactical Impulse Pool: a limited resource that will grant you benefits such re-rolling, gaining additional Impulses or activate skills. Players will wonder where and when commit their resources.

 By 1818, Spain has reclaimed La Florida using it as a stronghold for his new territorial claims over the southern North America. Several years later, President Jackson's Act of Removal failed due the bloody opposition of the Confederacy of Natives and the Five Civilized Tribes, the tribes that most adapted the costums of the colonist, now turned against them.

The French-British siege of Sebastopol in 1855 fails, giving continuity to the Crimean War until the present day. A few years later the first Russian warships land into Alaskian ports, extending the Crimean conflict to the Canadian-Northamerican border. Ending a decade of national sociopolitical and religious struggle, Mexico self-proclaims the New Aztlan Empire in 1859, reviving the Old Gods and commencing the reconquest of their ancient territories. Check more information and miniatures here.

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