Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fenris Games: Cthulhu Wars Miniatures Released

Fenris Games: Okay, you've all been very, very patient (and we've been very, very keen to let you get your hands on these), and Sandy has very generously allowed us to make this announcement, so: Phase One - the first 12 models from Cthulhu Wars - are now available in the Fenris webshop, in either resin or metal depending on model. 

We'll be releasing the remaining models in batches designed to maximise interest and hopefully minimise production/supply issues at our end, and will try to keep a broad range of sizes and types of monsters in each release to appeal to all budgets and sizes of wallet. Meanwhile we have also started on variant sculpts for some of the characters, and these, too, will start to appear later in the year.

I'm bound to have forgotten something in all of the excitement (coding new webshop pages while juggling daily workload while Liam's off with a fractured hand), so for now I'll just point you all in the direction of the relevant pages.

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