Thursday, February 27, 2014

Crann Tara Miniatures: British Government Troops Available For Pre Order‏

Crann Tara Miniatures: I am pleased to say that I expect to have stocks of the British Line infantry with me in the next couple of weeks. There are marching poses in both regulation and campaign dress and firing, charge bayonet similarly dressed. I am offering a 10% discount on all orders over £20 placed for these figures between now and the 15th March. Just enter the special discount code when prompted prior to payment.

In addition we are also offering discounts for orders placed for collection at the shows we are attending next month. Finally whilst not trading at Salute I will be attending and we are offering a 10% discount on orders placed for collection at the show. I have arranged with Trevor and Paula of Corritani Miniatures/Magnetic Displays to act as the collection point and I will be there during the day.

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