Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hasslefree Miniatures: Upcoming Hard-Plastic Sci-Fi Troopers!

Just found this interesting piece of news from Hasslefree Miniatures announcing a Kickstarter for a full hard-plastic science fiction troopers boxed set. Here's the note I have found online:  "... there will be different poses available in metal as part of this prototype process, for those who want a bit more action to them, then a hard-plastic boxset is the planned end result which will be multipart and multipose (But that is months away from fruition and will likely go the KS route). In the meantime Kev will work out the kinks in the design by creating a small squad in resin and metal. The male's helmet is the one moving forward, the females is designated as a scout helmet and matches the very first prototypes armour." And remember you heard this great news first from Wargame News and Terrain!

Metal Hasslefree Science Fiction Trooper possibly the hard-plastic variants will be similar in look but multipart and multiposable. The bad news, we will have to wait for some months before the actual Kickstarter is launched. Miniature painted by the talented miniature painter Dwartist


The Angry Lurker said...

They look good!

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Just a note, this is one of their metal miniatures. The plastic ones will probably be in the same style but I haven't seen any previews yet of those.
