Thursday, September 12, 2013

Miniature Mojo: Upcoming Cannines Size Comparison

Miniature Mojo: The canines have arrived and they really are excellent! For scale, here's a quick shot showing the wolves alongside a couple of our minis.  I shall probably mould them next week. I'm just finishing some mixed weapon sprues and some furniture (table, chairs, armchair) so will mould and cast all (and correct any low stock levels) at the same time.


Sam Wise said...

Great work on those wolves!!
the poses are perfect.

It's my first visit to your blog, so I'm not accustomed with your job... what's the scale, please?

Wargame News and Terrain Blog said...

Hi, first of all welcome to my news blog. The wolves were sculpted by Bob from Ebob Miniatures for Miniature Mojo, an English company.

I'm just the messenger but the scale is 28mm and there are also two packs of other cannines coming up! So follow this blog and keep an eye out.
